Mission Scripture

Wherefore, be of good cheer, and do not fear, for I the Lord am with you, and will stand by you; and ye shall bear record of me, even Jesus Christ, that I am the Son of the living God, that I was, that I am, and that I am to come.

D&C 68:6

About Me

Hi welcome to my blog! I have been called to be a missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and am speaking Spanish here in the Ft . Lauderdale Florida mission. I am currently serving in Hollywood. I am a part of the greatest work of all time.."

Monday, June 28, 2010

A Week with Changes

hey there. how yall doin. things are good in hollywood hills.. a week with changes but they were good ones! yesterday i finished reading the Book of Mormon. I love It. So much. I know it's true, and I love to testify of it multiple times a day, every single day. I am so lucky! I had a J - Dub this week LITERALLY BEG US TO CHANGE. She was almost in tears as I told her I never would. It was interesting to me to see someone who had that much love for their religion.. we dont meet too many of those. Hermana Hebdon and I wanted to set up a table at Sedano's (a Latin grocery store) with a sign for free Book of Mormon but they said no so we went to the park (see photo.. ) well that wasnt successful but it was fun. Friday late afternoon we got a call from the assistants who told us that Saturday Hermana Hebdon would be transfering to West Palm Beach. So my companion here is Hermana Lima. She was born in Brazil but grew up since she was 4 in Conneticut. I like having a comp that speaks Portugese! plus i like Brazil and am secretly rooting for them in the World cup.. well it was interesting the way the we were prepared for the transfer, becuase on thursday during weekly planning we updated so many things. it is scary being all in charge of this area, and its a very good thing i have my TomTom. i recieved a challenge this week from my district leader to offend someone with love. i am happy to announce that i sure did it. we met with Gerardo.. oh speaking of him my prayer list is Hector, Gerardo, and Oscar.. when we met with Gerardo I HAD to talk to him about baptism again. as i knew the time was coming in the lesson i said a prayer in my heart and then told him how much we love him.. and how much Heavenly Father loves him.. and basically tied it into faith and told him if he wouldn't get baptized he doesn't have faith. my heart was pounding as i said it all the nicest i could and as lovingly as i could. i also told him i would fast for him so he can recieve an answer. well he still didnt commit to baptism but the morning Hermana Hebdon left, he called and told her he'll get baptized. he hasnt told me that yet, but we have an appointment wednesday so i hope that we will set a date. that time was the fastest i've ever spoken spanish in my life.. haha it probably didnt even make sense but i think he could understand by the way I felt. well i am living my perfectly planned life as a missionary right now and love it, i sure dont look forward to changes but i know that for the future also Heavenly Father has a perfect plan for me. So I will trust in Him and focus on whats going on here and now. oscar and his 9 yr old nicole came to church yesterday, he still wont pray out loud but his MEGA DEATHLY shy daughter prayed, she repeated the prayer i wispered to her. also we met with hector yesterday and pushed back his bap date for july 11 he just wont be ready next sunday. but then halfway through the lesson he tried to break up with us (my way of saying he wanted to drop himself) but i told him no that he doesnt have that kind of control in this relationship (heavenly father does) and by the end is is excited again to be taught. yesterday at church since Hermana Hebdon left nobody can play piano so i would NOT play in sacrament but i did a little in primary and it was awful..wish i would've practiced more when i was 10..
i have learned that serving a mission wasnt really a sacrifice at all. i love it.
also i have this lovely scripture i will share with you.. Moroni 8:3.. it is the same way i feel about each of you!
have a good week. i love you so so sooooooooooo much!!!
Hermana Call

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