Mission Scripture

Wherefore, be of good cheer, and do not fear, for I the Lord am with you, and will stand by you; and ye shall bear record of me, even Jesus Christ, that I am the Son of the living God, that I was, that I am, and that I am to come.

D&C 68:6

About Me

Hi welcome to my blog! I have been called to be a missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and am speaking Spanish here in the Ft . Lauderdale Florida mission. I am currently serving in Hollywood. I am a part of the greatest work of all time.."

Tuesday, July 6, 2010


what the heck wait a minute where did the past 17 months go? i am freaking out just a little trying to know what i can do while i am here and doing my best to find the Lord's will for me, for hollywood hills south, for my investigators.. i had a goal to have one more baptism my last transfer. it'll be a miracle if that happens because i'm fasting praying and doing my best testifying and teaching and helping these dear people understand why i am doing this work! please pray for maria, susi, oscar, hector, aracely, gerardo, and nori. each one of those people are so special to me. i love them so much. i wish they understood why i desire their salvation, but even more that its not a desire I have but that God has! we have had a busy busy week teaching and i taught more lessons this week than i have in a while.. one day we taught 6 lessons, and they were all excatly the first set of plans we had for the day. didnt have to use any backup plans! :) there has been a lot of crazies we met, including one where i asked where he was from and he told me "my mother's womb" and another when i asked the same question he got very offended and told me that was a rude question to ask and told me it would be like him asking me what color underwear i had on (hm. he was probably illegal). well i just want to advise you all something and i will do so by sharing this story..we were visiting a young family in the ward and their 8 year old was playing pokemon cards. i told him there is a pokemon that has the same name as me. we looked through his cards and he didnt have it. he then realized he didnt know my name and asked what it was..i told him hermana call.. he thought about that for a second and then said "there is NOT a pokeman with that name!"
we are teahcing this cool guy from Hati but he lived close to DR so he speaks spanish too! i've never taught anyone like that before. it's really cool. but at the end we asked him to pray in creole and he had his wife come do that prayer, but she didnt just pray she put on this knit bandana thing on her head and then placed one hand on my head and one on sister lima's and did this scary yelling prayer in creole.. it was weird.
well i don't have much time i want to just end by telling you how much i love you and thank you for all you do, including your prayers.
at the end of my PPI last week, President prayed with me and he told me that angels will be with me at this time. i know you are all far away but i know you are my angels.
i love you.
hermana call

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