Mission Scripture

Wherefore, be of good cheer, and do not fear, for I the Lord am with you, and will stand by you; and ye shall bear record of me, even Jesus Christ, that I am the Son of the living God, that I was, that I am, and that I am to come.

D&C 68:6

About Me

Hi welcome to my blog! I have been called to be a missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and am speaking Spanish here in the Ft . Lauderdale Florida mission. I am currently serving in Hollywood. I am a part of the greatest work of all time.."

Tuesday, April 20, 2010


hola mi familia...como estan.. estoy bien! i am going to make this email more focused on miracles and spirtual stuff. but first i want to say that i saw a possum the other day, it walked in front of me on my run and i thought it was an ugly cat at first. apparently there are possums everywhere down here. we were asked to study ether 1-3 for a district training last week (elder wilcox is our district leader. he rocks.) and i decided that more than anything now i want to be like the Bro of J and see the Savior. I've got a ways to go before I have that much faith.. but I'm gonna try! also i was able to make my own Title of Liberty this week, and pondered on what is most important to me and what I stand for, why I'm here, etc.. it was super cool! Ida (who i cant remember if i told you is a member referral from miami 4, oh and her name is really spelled Aida) came to church sunday and broght her 2 grandsons, ages 7 and 9. She has custody of the 7 yr old. It was like geez finally someone came and it was so great we got to set Aida with a baptismal date of May 15!!! We have had some excellent relief society fellowship with her, so it was great when she came to church she already knew people! in case i didnt tell you yet, i am staying in homestead yet another transfer. weird. but its ok because members and i have really bonded and they know all my favorite things and they always make me things that they know are my favorite now! and i love it! Rhshonda has been hard to contact and may be ignoring us sometimes, the only time we saw her was when we stopped by without calling first. lessons go really well when we are there but then she never comes to church. not sure what will happen with her. jordan collie has kind of been a bum lately and hasn't been to church since he was confirmed.. which makes me so sad.. but at least some thing good is happening. one time when i was there with sister eland his friend jordan nunez was there. and the elders have been teaching jordan nunez and he's been to church twice and will be baptized in may. so thats cool! hopefully the jordan's will help each other out! which reminds me. the homstead south elders have baptisms every week in may. they have 9 people set with dates! but now elder cook (who has been here since begin of nov) is getting transferred and i am kind of nervous to have him leave cause he's rocked this area. we have been teaching members about alma 32 and having a particle of faith- how much faith do you have?? i got to watch the DVD "On the Lord's Errand" this week for the first time. I heard parts of it from when I worked at Des Book and it was on but never saw it.. i absolutely totally looove it and have a new life goal (besides doing an IronMan) i want to shake the prophet's hand. anyone that can help me with that, I'd appriciate it. i am totally in love with americanized latins.. and want to help baptize an english latin family. i just need to find them first. i have been getting eaten up lately and for a few days thought i had the chicken pox cause i hardly ever see anything bite me. but sis welch has been taking care of me and i got this ointment and i'm doing better! ok i had so many awkward moments last week (ok sorry i'm failing so far at the whole staying spiritual part of the email) but it is soo awkward when men try to give besitos (especially in front of members) like they are coming at you and i just stare and move backwards uhh then tell them no and its so awekward also there are just some people i know i should talk to but because of situations i'm in or whatever, it is so awkward and i just have to hurry and approach them and not worry about whats going to come out of my mouth.. worrying takes too much time and i could lose the opportunity.. so i just do it and its scary but oh well! it always works out just fine :) the only words i have to discrible those situations is that i love them and i hate them at the very same time. an investigator ricky asked us if he could get baptized! so let me tell you about him real quick. but first please pray for rhshonda, julian, michelle, aida, bernard, kedesha, mark, and ricky. ok so we met ricky last week when we were riding bikes. we got to teach him twice, and he understood the need to be baptized again. he told us he'd get a ride to church, but we couldn't contact him so stopped by sun morning on our way down to meetings. he told us he couldn't go to cuhrch, but was so impressed about what we'd taught him about the 3 kingdoms (nobody knows there is more than just heaven and hell) and he said he knew it was true and wants to get baptized when we comes to church the next sunday (he had someting else inportant going on that day). we told him he has to come to church twice and we have to teach him commandemnts, for ex the WOW. he told us he smokes. (so pray that he'll stop!!!!) well ricky is moving to new york on may 3 so we want him to get baptized evening of may 2, or else he can do it when he meets missionaries in NY. we are meeting with him tonight! when we report on investigators in our meetings we are supposed to tell bishop the investigators first and last name (he is obessed with us knowing the last name) and well we dont know ricky's ! kedesha is going to get baptized in may, but she is praying about which date Heavenly Father wants her to get baptized. Hopefully she chooses the first satuday and not the last! yesterday we spent 3 hours tracting and only met 1 potential 20 yr old girl, but she's cool her name is apprilli and we are meeting with her saturday. 3 hrs straight of knocking doors is a long time! but we finished the whole neighborhood!! on sunday the man who gave the opening prayer in sacramnet meeting prayed for the missionaries and he also prayed for our families, and that made me a little teary eyed! i am not used to hearing other people pray for YOU but he did.. i know that as the promise in D&C says... "your family shall live"
hope you are all doing well and know how much i love you and appriciate you!!
hermana call

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